1. Tycho
Brahe Born
April 1546, Tycho Brahe, astronomer and mathematician famous Danish born into
the world. Brahe studied astronomy in Germany, who was renowned as a center of
astronomical research. Science acquired in Germany, he developed in his
country. Brahe scientifically successfully demonstrated on a number of new
findings not previously been detected by astronomers.
Danish government was paying great attention to the Copenhagen Brahe as to make
her a special planetarium is located on the island of Wen. Various discoveries
in the field of astrology is very helpful to astronomers as Keppler later
generations, to develop the science of astronomy. Brahe meninnggal world in
2. William
Harvey Birth
April 1578, William Harvey, a physician and scientist micro-cellular British
born into the world. Harvey better known as an academic in the field of medical
science rather than as a doctor. After graduating, Harvey asked to teach at a
college. At times that is, time spent doing a lot of research in the field of
which she liked it. In 1616, Harvey managed to find the blood circulatory
system in the human body. Harvey died in 1658.
3. Mulla
Ja'far Tehrani Dies
Safar 1263 Hijri year, Mulla Ja'far Syariatmadar Tehrani, writers and
scientists of the Iranian Muslims died in the usa 66 years. Mulla Tehrani was
born in 1197 Hijra. As a young man, Mulla Tehrani had wandered into central
areas of Islamic sciences. He just got back ka homeland along with the siege of
the city of Karbala by Daud Pasha, the ruler of the Ottoman Empire. Mullah
Tehrani known for quality books that he wrote. Among his famous works is a book
titled "Mashabih", Ash-Syari'ul Kabir "," Safinatun-Najah
", and Al-Barahinul Qathi'ah".
4. Death
of Ayatollah Abdul Hadi Shirazi
Safar 1382 Hijri year, Ayatollah Sayyid Abdul Hadi Shirazi, a renowned scholar
of Islamic world died. Ayatollah Shirazi has been left by the death of his
father since childhood. He was then raised by Mirza Shirazi, one of the great
scholars of that era are still a relative.
Mirza Shirazi that he became acquainted with the world of religious sciences
are then very loved. Enormous interest in the field of religious sciences
encouraged to sit for the other well-known scholars such as Allama Akhund
Khurasani and Yazdi. Among the famous works of Ayatollah Shirazi is a book
called Darul Islam.
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