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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

History On 10 April

1. French Army Leaving Lebanon

10 April 1946, the last French troops left Lebanon area. France occupied Lebanon and Syria in 1918 following the end of the First World War and a fracturing of the area under the Khilafah OttomanTurki.
However, when World War II broke out and the French occupied Germany, Lebanon changed hands power over to Germany. In 1941, various developments in the war to make L: ebanin back into the hands of the Allies. French troops later regained control of Lebanon.

Lebanese people's relentless struggle for independence to fruition in 1945. In that year, Lebanon declared its independence, though French troops remained entrenched in the region. Diplomatic negotiations between the leaders of Lebanon and the French government struggles to produce an agreement occupation army discharge in 1946.

2. Three People terrorized Palestinian Struggle MOSSAD

10 April 1973, the Israeli Secret Intelligence Agency officers (MOSSAD) terrorized the three leaders of the Palestinian cause, namely Nasir Kamal, Kamal 'Udwan, and Mohamad Yusuf Najjar. All three Mossad terror target while in Beirut, Lebanon.

Acts of terror against the Palestinian struggle leaders who are abroad as a model MOSSAD in suppressing the Palestinian cause. 10 years later, in 1983, the same action performed MOSSAD against 'Usham Sarthawi, political adviser to Yasser Arafat. Sarthawi killed by MOSSAD agents while touring the Portuguese.

Although these actions clearly violated international law and getting harsh criticism from the Islamic world, but the Zionist regime will not hesitate to take similar actions in the future. Western countries who always claimed as human warriors and the supremacy of law enforcement, turned out to show apatisnya attitudes or actions even support the Zionist regime.

3. Local Court verdict conspiracy Germany

10 April, 1997, a local court in Germany issued a verdict that high officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran involved in the murder of one of the Iranian opposition figures who get political asylum from the German government.

The next day, following the verdict, the countries belonging to the European Union simultaneously recalling the ambassador from Tehran to their respective countries. In retaliation, Iran also summoned the ambassadors residing in member states the European Union.

Iran diplomatic relations and European countries to be somewhat tenuous. Tehran has denied the local German court verdict issued without such strong evidence. Subsequent developments show clearly that the local German court verdict was the result of a conspiracy of Israel and the U.S.. Therefore, since the beginning of Iran believes that the actions of the European countries will not be prolonged.

After ten months elapsed from the verdict, the development of the legal process on the local German court verdict shows that the verdict is very forced and the evidence increasingly blurred and biased. Because of this, European countries again the finally send its ambassador to Tehran in secret.

4. Ayatollah Langgarudi Death

19 Safar 1383 Hijri year, Ayatollah Sayid Murtadha Langgarudi, a great scholar of Islam from Iran died. He was born in the town Langgarud, a region in northern Iran, in the year 1306 Hijri. Since I was young, Ayatollah Langgarudi already showing great talent in the field of religion.

Initially, he studied in scientific hauzah Qazvin. Later, he continued his studies in Tehran. In 1338, when he was 32 years old, he went to Najaf, Iraq, and continued his studies at the center of Islamic scholarship was to achieve the degree of Marji '. Devotion to Islam performed by means of teaching.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

History On 9 April

1. Leon Torotski Birth

9 April 1879 Torotski Leon, one of the leaders of the Russian revolution was born into the world. Menjani during periods of struggle, he had twice rejected by Russian authorities to Siberia in different cases. Twice he managed to come out of exile.

The first was when the Soviet communist revolution broke out. Torotski when it was captured by the Russian Empire and exiled to Siberia. When the revolution achieved victory in 1917, Torotski return to the Kremlin and Lenin appointed by the Commissioner of Foreign Affairs. The next year, he was appointed as the Soviet Union Affairs Commissioner War.

Served as an officer during the war affairs, Torotski country was commanding troops in the First World War. When the war ended and the country made a peace treaty with Germany, the Soviet Red Army Torotski instructed to concentrate groups quell anti-revolutionary struggle in the country.

When Lenin died, Torotski fighting Soviet leader position with other revolutionary leaders, namely Stalin. In that fight, defeat Torotski and in 1925, he again exiled to Siberia.

In 1929, he managed to escape to Turkey. Of this country, Torotski an adventure to a number of countries of the world. Finally, when he was in Mexico in 1948, Torotski was shot dead by gunmen who is touted as the agents of Stalin.

2. Massacre at Deir Yasin

9 April 1948, there was a massacre at Deir Yasin rural area, which is located just west of Baitul Maqdis. At that time, more than 270 Palestinian civilians living in the village was brutally slaughtered by a terrorist organization Irgun.

Irgun was a militia organization under the leadership of Menachem Begin, a prominent Zionist fundamentalists who later became Prime Minister of Israel. As a result of acts of terror scary continuously carried soldiers, large numbers of Palestinians fled to areas around Palestine.

3. Georgia Merdeka

9 April 1991, the state of Georgia is located in the Kukasus proclaimed its independence from the Soviet Union. In the early years AD, Georgia in turn controlled by the Roman Empire and Persia. In 654, the area controlled by the Muslims.

Then, from the 16th to 18th century, powerful kingdoms of Iran and the Ottoman Empire was always in control of Georgia. In the late 18th century, the Russian Empire at that time the new power in Europe come occupy Georgia. When the communist revolution in Russia, Georgia had enjoyed independence.

However, the Soviet Red Army returned immediately annexed Georgia. The end of the 80s, when the Soviets began melewah kakuatan, Georgia declared itself as an independent state. Georgia State has an area of ​​70 thousand kilometers ². The country is located on the Black Sea coast, and berrbatasan with Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Turkey.

4. Baghdad Fell into Allied hands

9 April 2003, in the action of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and its allies, after the last about 20 days, Baghdad finally fell into the hands of U.S. forces and allies. The fall of Baghdad in just a very short time surprised many observers, as previously, the allied forces are expected to be opposed tooth and nail by the Iraqi Republican Guard.

After the successful capture of Iraq, the U.S. immediately claimed the area as occupied territories and put hundreds of thousands of troops in the country that night in 1001.

5. Autumn Uwais Al-Qarni

18 Safar in the year 37 Hijri, Uwais Al-Qarni, a great friend of Imam Ali Siffin martyr killed in the war. He comes from Qarn, a neighborhood Yemen. Uwais embraced Islam at the time of the Prophet was alive.

However, he never met with his lord must keep it because her mother is ill. Although never met the Messenger of Allah, love Uwais following the teachings of the noble Prophet who brought the holy Prophet is very high. Prophet Muhammad also repeatedly called Uwais as a Muslim is very great.

New Uwais get a chance to come to Madinah after the Apostles died. Uwais then joined the Messenger of loyal companions and make a major contribution in the enforcement of the Islamic religion. When war broke out between troops Siffin Imam Ali and Mu'awiyah, Uwais also defended Imam Ali. In this war Uwais pick martyrdom.

Monday, 8 April 2013

History On 8 April

1. Zionist warplanes pounded An Elementary School

8 April 1970, warplanes Israeli indiscriminate attacks by targeting an elementary school named Bahr Baqr, 80 kilometers north of Cairo, Egypt. In that event, 46 school children were killed. Very inhumane action it evokes emotions of the world cash.

Previously, the international community was also shocked by the other barbarous acts which held Egyptian Zionist regime in the region. In February of that year, Israeli warplanes also pounded civilian areas in eastern Cairo. As a result, a ruined factory and 168 factory workers were killed or injured.

2. Abus-Su'ud Born to the World

Safar 17 Hijra year 896, Muhammad Mustafa 'Imadi, or better known as the Abus-Su'ud, renowned Muslim scholars and commentators are born into the world in a rural area Mudarris, near the city of Istanbul, Turkey. Because of his brilliance in the world of science, after completing his study, Abus-Su'ud directly asked to teach in a number of scientific centers in Turkey. At the same time, he was also appointed as a judge in Istanbul.

Abus-Su'ud also has a great attention to the socio-political situation in his day. He was involved in the Ottoman Empire rule. At that time, he did a lot of improvements to the laws of the country and attempting to make Islamic Sharia law as the basis of the entire country. Among the papers Abus-Su'ud is a book titled "Irsyadul 'Aqlis Salim", "Du'a Nameh", "Qanun Nameh", and "Mafrudhat".

Sunday, 7 April 2013

History On 7 April

1. Troops attack Russian Empire to Sweden

7 April 1721, the Russian Emperor Peter the Great instructed his troops to attack Sweden. This action by Russia in order to expand his power. With the number of troops and military facilities are more complete, Russia defeated the Swedish army.

Later, Peter the Great to impose an agreement containing a willingness to Swedish Swedish to release some of their territories, including Finland which was part of the Swedish area.

2. Striking Italian troops Albania

7 April 1937, Italy began the attack magnitude to Albania. Two days earlier, the Italian and German military talks about a plan the attack Rome to Albania. During the talks, known as "The General Talks", the Germans gave their support to Italy to invade Albania.

Eventually, with the support of 400 combat aircraft, 10,000 Italian troops invade Albania. Having survived for five days to face the onslaught of great Italian army, Albania finally gave up and the country became one of the occupied Italy.

3. Henry Ford dies

7 April 1948, Henry Ford, inventor and scientist from the United States died at the age of 84 years. He was born in 1863 in the Greenfield area, the United States, in the midst of a poor family. When I was a child, Ford worked at a company clock.

When was a teenager, he showed great interest and talent in the field of mechanics. Interest and talent is what made ​​him do a lot of experimentation in the field of automobile manufacturing. When passed, Ford left a legacy of a giant automobile company empire, named as the name suggests: Ford.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Histori On 6 April

1. Mastered Portuguese Spanish

April 6, 1580, the kingdom of Spain officially include most part of Portuguese territory. Initially, the Portuguese is a kingdom with great power in Europe. This country even choose a lot of ground colonies in Asia, Africa, and America. However, in those years, emerging economic recession in the country Portuguese.

As a result, there was a massive emigration of Portuguese citizens colony areas. Once power domestically weakened Portuguese, Spanish and Portuguese attacks to easily conquer the land. Following the Portuguese conquest, lands colonized countries also finally one by one fell into the hands of other colonial countries such as the Netherlands. Portugal won its independence back in 1640.

2. Commencement of Action Kamikaze Japanese Army

April 6, 1945, in World War II, the Japanese Kamikaze planes began to attack daredevil toward carriers belonging to the U.S.. At that time, the Japanese volunteer pilots crash fighter planes bomb the dikemudikannya. Heroic suicide that has led to huge losses in the U.S..

However, because of the allied forces, attack Japanese forces then joined with Germany and Italy finally managed to resist. Even the Japanese army was repelled from regions east Asia which they had occupied previously. Finally, in August 1945, the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bombs. Bomb which devastated the city and killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians that ended World War II.

3. Bloody clashes in Rwanda

April 6, 1994, bloody clashes between the two major tribes in Rwanda, the Tutsi and the Hutu tribe, begins. Within three months, Hutu extremists massacred about 800 thousand Tutsis and moderate people of his own tribe. As a result of this great war, two million Rwandans fled to other safer places.

Clashes between the two major tribes in Rwanda does have historical roots decades ago. In 1994, reconciliation has actually been going on between the leaders of the tribe. It was agreed that they would form a coalition government through democratic elections.

However, in April of that year, a fall of the mysterious incident plane carrying the President of Rwanda from the Hutu tribe. Hutu extremists accused the Tutsi tribe were behind the incident and immediately waging tribal warfare.

Hutu ethnic majority group in Rwanda is known to be close to France. Tutsi while openly getting support from the U.S.. Finally, thanks to U.S. support, the group managed to win the Tutsi minority and until now the ruling regime in Rwanda.

5. Bal'ami Dies

15th of Safar 329 years, Abul Fadl Bal'ami, famous Muslim historian died from Iran. Bal'ami actually born in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. However, because her family comes from a region in Asia Minor named Balaam, he was better known as the Balaam.

Bal'ami devote themselves in the world of science during the reign of Samani. Famous history book "Tarikh Tabari", touted as a book written by leaning the main sources of literature to books by Bal'ami, including kittab "Tarikh Bal'ami" written in Persian language support.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Histori On 5 April

1. Harlem Massacre tragedy

Dated 5 April 1585 a mass murder tragedy occurred in Harlem, Netherlands. The tragedy that is also known as the Harlem Tragedy occurs when the Spanish King Philip II instructed the widespread repression of the people of Holland and then culminating with the assassination in Harlem.

In such cases, around 6,000 Dutch independence activists were killed by Spanish soldiers. Dutch people's struggle to gain independence finally achieved results in 1609.
Top British naval victory of Dutch.

April 5, 1654, a massive sea battle between the two European powers at the time, the Netherlands and the UK, ending with a victory for the UK. The war that began in March 1652 took place as the two countries fight over control of the North Sea region and the Atlantic Ocean. With the victory, the UK managed to become the sole ruler of the region of Europe.

2. Ibn syadad Dies

14th of Safar in 632 Hijra, Abul Mahasin Bahauddin, or known by the name Ibn syadad, a jurist, judge, and the great Islamic historian died. Ibn syadad born in the city of Mosul, Iraq, in the year 539 Hijri. Since childhood, Ibn syadad was able to memorize the Quran. He then studied religious sciences, particularly in the field of hadith, tafsir, and qiraah Al-Quran in the city of Baghdad.

After completing his studies in the city, with the intent to continue his studies, Ibn syadad go to a number of areas of science outside of Iraq. When it came to the Sham, Ibn syadad met with Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi. To Al-Ayyubi, Ibn syadad presented a book about jihad and Islamic law which is his own work.

Meeting with Al-Ayyubi even be the beginning of the friendship of both. In various wanderings, including the last time the Crusades, syadad Ibn Al-Ayyubi accompanies join and become his adviser.

Because it has a background as a historian, Ibn syadad participation in various wars led him to write about the events that happened in the war itself. History book entitled "As-An-Nawadir Sulthaniyyah" a very valuable historical literature about the Crusades.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

History On 4 April

1. NATO Standing

April 4, 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was officially established in Brussels, Belgium. At that time, there were 12 countries that signed the founding charter of NATO that France, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Britain, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, the U.S., and hosts Belgium. The core of the NATO charter is an agreement of the signatory countries to form a joint defense.

Thus, all forms of attack aimed at one of the NATO member states will be considered an attack against other countries. The next few years, Germany, Greece, Spain, and Turkey joined NATO. At the same time, the French even take a distance with NATO. In 1960, although still listed as a member of NATO, the French began to withdraw its forces from NATO and reduce its dependence on security to the defense pact.

NATO is actually a consequence of the formation of the cold war situation after World War II. The communist Soviet Union regarded by Western nations as a threat. Therefore, when the Soviet Union had collapsed in the early 90s, NATO trying hard to find a justification for the existence of the organization.

Moreover, a number of Eastern Bloc countries, including Russia itself, ultimately choosing to join NATO. Thus, NATO is losing its identity. NATO later seen in the U.S. is a strong dominance of various organizational policies. Therefore, a number of countries began to request that U.S. dominance was reduced.

2. Senegal 

April 4, 1960, Senegal, a country located in West Africa, gained its independence from France. Initially, Senegal was colonized by the Portuguese in the 15th century. Then, the area of ​​Senegal colony taken over by the French in the 17th century. France as it did large-scale exploitation of natural resources and the people of Senegal.

Many blacks Senegal transported to France to be used as slaves. Following the weakening of the French military forces after the Second World War, Senegal managed to gain many concessions from Paris, although it has not gained full independence.

 It was only in 1960, Senegal managed to become the country with full independence. Since that year, on April 4, be a national day Senegal. Republic of Senegal is located on the Atlantic Ocean coast. It shares borders with Mauritania, Mali, and Ginea. This vast country 196 thousand square kilometers.

3. Shaykh al-Islam Died

Tanun 13th Safar 303 Hijri, Abu Abdurahman ibn Ahmad Shoaib Nasa `i, better known as Shaykh al-Islam, a famous hadith expert died. He was born in the year 220 Hijri in a rural area of ​​Khorasan, Iran. Since their youth, Shaykh al-Islam had gone to Egypt to study. Having successfully gained a lot of knowledge in the fields of hadith and fiqh, Shaykh al-Islam went to Damascus.

In that area, he was a lot of lecturing about the virtues of Ahlul Bait. This act was a lot of condemnation from groups that hate towards Ahlul Bait. Shaykh al-Islam even once terrorized by these groups. Finally, he went to Mecca and settled in the Holy Land. Among the famous works of Shaykh al-Islam is a book titled "Khashais Amiril Mu'minin Ali" and "Sunan Nasa` i ".

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

History On 3 April

1. German Chancellor Bismark is Removed

3 April 1890, German Chancellor Bismark deposed by King William II. Bismark is actually having an enormous service to his country. He is noted by historians as a unifying figure Germany. Because of his prowess, he is known as the Iron Chancellor.

When King William II ascended the throne, the two main characters Germans often involved a lot of fights. Finally, William II forced Bismark to resign from his post. Bismark later in his life and wrote a book called "Knowledge and Thought". The book is more a political testament was written in three volumes. In the book, Bismark wrote a criticism of the system of the German Reich. Bismark died in 1898.

2. Baghdad Ruled Forces Rashid Gilani

3 April 1941, Iraqi nationalists under the leadership of Rashid 'Ali Gilani managed to control the city of Baghdad. Gilani the group managed to occupy Baghdad because of the support of Germany. At that time, England who consider Iraq as part of the colony area conduct raids into Baghdad to oust Gilani of the city.

The slow pace of assistance from the German make Gilani expelled from Baghdad. Since then, England imposed strict control over Iraq. When World War II broke out, Iraq entered by the British as a region that supports the allied forces.

3. Large-Magnitude Army invasion of Israel on Jenin City

3 April 2002, Israeli forces launch a major offensive into the area of ​​Jenin, West Bank. This attack is a series of widespread violence against Israeli soldiers held West Bank neighborhood with a late goal against alleged Al-Aqsa intifada that has been going on since 2000.

Around 200 tanks and dozens of helicopters deployed with 10,000 soldiers to the region has a population of only 15,000 people the Palestinians. They bombarded the civilian residential areas of land and air. With makeshift weapons, for nine days, residents of Jenin resistance to the Zionist army brutality.

As a result of the invasion that took place on the direct instructions General of the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's, hundreds of residents of Jenin died a martyr, hundreds were injured, and about 5,000 people homeless. Electrical installation, plumbing, and public buildings such as hospitals in Jenin district also heavily damaged.

Even more pathetic, soldiers banned medical teams and humanitarian aid to enter the Jenin area. However, although the soldiers suffered savage repression, the surge revival of the Palestinian people in order to achieve their rights are not extinguished, even the more light it.

4. Salman sawiji Death

12 Safar 778 Hijri years, Khaja Salman sawiji Jamaluddin, great Iranian poet in the city Saweh died, land of his birth. Since a young age, sawiji've asked him a very big show in the field of science, particularly those associated with literature and language. Her interest was encouraged to pursue all kinds of science.

Diligence in studying science coupled with brilliant talents, make sawiji quickly became famous scientist when he was still young. Sawiji also showed tremendous brilliance in the field of literature, to the extent that Hafiz Shirazi, Iranian poet genius, praising his prowess sawiji over it.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Histori On 2 April

1. Born Hans Christian Andersen

April 2, 1805, Hans Christian Andersen, the author of a children's story book famous Danish born into the world. Andersen was born and raised from a poor family. To help his family life, as a teenager Andersen have started to earn money by working as a showman in Copenhagen. Of this theater he became interested in writing fiction, and he was very fond of the type of children's stories.

In 1835, Andersen published his first fairy tale book titled "Present Answer". After the first work on the market exploded, Andersen routinely write subsequent tales that also achieve success. Until 1872, the average Andersen wrote a story every year. Books by Andersen then translated into various languages ​​of the world. Productivity and skill that lure in the story to make the international community to make Andersen's birth day as "International Children's Day of Reading".

2. Joining the U.S. in World War I

2 April 1917, the U.S. joined it states themselves Anglo-French allied forces against the German army in the First World War yanmg been going on for three years. The main reason Washinghton involved in the war was an attack by German submarines against merchant ships belonging to the U.S. that resulted in the sinking of a portion of the merchant ships. U.S. willingness to join the Allied forces eventually change the balance of power maps both warring parties.

3. Occupying armies Malvinas Argentina

April 2, 1982, Argentine troops occupied the island Fackland or better known as the Malvinas Islands contained in the southeastern region of the country. Malvinas Islands were discovered in 1832 by the British and became one of the British colonies. Argentina itself has always claimed that the Malvinas are part of the country area.

For this reason, Aregentina invaded the Falklands Islands in 1982. Argentine action is not accepted by the British. UK troops later sent to the region and the battle between the two. British military sophistication eventually led the country's army to achieve victory and oust army from Malvinas Argentina. Although Argentina has been defeated militarily, Bounes Aires still take steps to have the island's diplomacy.

3. Ja'far bin Husayn bin Ahmad Dies

11 Safar 501 Hijri year, Ja'far bin Husayn bin Ahmad, or moisture content, known as "Siraj", a scholar, hadith expert and famous reciters century Hijra VI died in the city of Sour, southern Lebanon. Siraj was born into the world in the year 419 Hijri.

Since a young age, he was concerned with many areas of science such as fiqh, hadith science, Qira `ah, nahwu and language. In all these fields, he is known to have typical intelligence. He studied all the science centers in a number of well-known religious sciences at the time such as Egypt and Sham. Among the works Siraj is writing a book titled "Rituals Nizhamul"

Monday, 1 April 2013

History On 1 April

1. Tycho Brahe Born

1 April 1546, Tycho Brahe, astronomer and mathematician famous Danish born into the world. Brahe studied astronomy in Germany, who was renowned as a center of astronomical research. Science acquired in Germany, he developed in his country. Brahe scientifically successfully demonstrated on a number of new findings not previously been detected by astronomers.

The Danish government was paying great attention to the Copenhagen Brahe as to make her a special planetarium is located on the island of Wen. Various discoveries in the field of astrology is very helpful to astronomers as Keppler later generations, to develop the science of astronomy. Brahe meninnggal world in 1601.

2. William Harvey Birth

1 April 1578, William Harvey, a physician and scientist micro-cellular British born into the world. Harvey better known as an academic in the field of medical science rather than as a doctor. After graduating, Harvey asked to teach at a college. At times that is, time spent doing a lot of research in the field of which she liked it. In 1616, Harvey managed to find the blood circulatory system in the human body. Harvey died in 1658.

3. Mulla Ja'far Tehrani Dies

10 Safar 1263 Hijri year, Mulla Ja'far Syariatmadar Tehrani, writers and scientists of the Iranian Muslims died in the usa 66 years. Mulla Tehrani was born in 1197 Hijra. As a young man, Mulla Tehrani had wandered into central areas of Islamic sciences. He just got back ka homeland along with the siege of the city of Karbala by Daud Pasha, the ruler of the Ottoman Empire. Mullah Tehrani known for quality books that he wrote. Among his famous works is a book titled "Mashabih", Ash-Syari'ul Kabir "," Safinatun-Najah ", and Al-Barahinul Qathi'ah".

4. Death of Ayatollah Abdul Hadi Shirazi

10 Safar 1382 Hijri year, Ayatollah Sayyid Abdul Hadi Shirazi, a renowned scholar of Islamic world died. Ayatollah Shirazi has been left by the death of his father since childhood. He was then raised by Mirza Shirazi, one of the great scholars of that era are still a relative.
Of Mirza Shirazi that he became acquainted with the world of religious sciences are then very loved. Enormous interest in the field of religious sciences encouraged to sit for the other well-known scholars such as Allama Akhund Khurasani and Yazdi. Among the famous works of Ayatollah Shirazi is a book called Darul Islam.