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Tuesday 9 April 2013

History On 9 April

1. Leon Torotski Birth

9 April 1879 Torotski Leon, one of the leaders of the Russian revolution was born into the world. Menjani during periods of struggle, he had twice rejected by Russian authorities to Siberia in different cases. Twice he managed to come out of exile.

The first was when the Soviet communist revolution broke out. Torotski when it was captured by the Russian Empire and exiled to Siberia. When the revolution achieved victory in 1917, Torotski return to the Kremlin and Lenin appointed by the Commissioner of Foreign Affairs. The next year, he was appointed as the Soviet Union Affairs Commissioner War.

Served as an officer during the war affairs, Torotski country was commanding troops in the First World War. When the war ended and the country made a peace treaty with Germany, the Soviet Red Army Torotski instructed to concentrate groups quell anti-revolutionary struggle in the country.

When Lenin died, Torotski fighting Soviet leader position with other revolutionary leaders, namely Stalin. In that fight, defeat Torotski and in 1925, he again exiled to Siberia.

In 1929, he managed to escape to Turkey. Of this country, Torotski an adventure to a number of countries of the world. Finally, when he was in Mexico in 1948, Torotski was shot dead by gunmen who is touted as the agents of Stalin.

2. Massacre at Deir Yasin

9 April 1948, there was a massacre at Deir Yasin rural area, which is located just west of Baitul Maqdis. At that time, more than 270 Palestinian civilians living in the village was brutally slaughtered by a terrorist organization Irgun.

Irgun was a militia organization under the leadership of Menachem Begin, a prominent Zionist fundamentalists who later became Prime Minister of Israel. As a result of acts of terror scary continuously carried soldiers, large numbers of Palestinians fled to areas around Palestine.

3. Georgia Merdeka

9 April 1991, the state of Georgia is located in the Kukasus proclaimed its independence from the Soviet Union. In the early years AD, Georgia in turn controlled by the Roman Empire and Persia. In 654, the area controlled by the Muslims.

Then, from the 16th to 18th century, powerful kingdoms of Iran and the Ottoman Empire was always in control of Georgia. In the late 18th century, the Russian Empire at that time the new power in Europe come occupy Georgia. When the communist revolution in Russia, Georgia had enjoyed independence.

However, the Soviet Red Army returned immediately annexed Georgia. The end of the 80s, when the Soviets began melewah kakuatan, Georgia declared itself as an independent state. Georgia State has an area of ​​70 thousand kilometers ². The country is located on the Black Sea coast, and berrbatasan with Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Turkey.

4. Baghdad Fell into Allied hands

9 April 2003, in the action of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and its allies, after the last about 20 days, Baghdad finally fell into the hands of U.S. forces and allies. The fall of Baghdad in just a very short time surprised many observers, as previously, the allied forces are expected to be opposed tooth and nail by the Iraqi Republican Guard.

After the successful capture of Iraq, the U.S. immediately claimed the area as occupied territories and put hundreds of thousands of troops in the country that night in 1001.

5. Autumn Uwais Al-Qarni

18 Safar in the year 37 Hijri, Uwais Al-Qarni, a great friend of Imam Ali Siffin martyr killed in the war. He comes from Qarn, a neighborhood Yemen. Uwais embraced Islam at the time of the Prophet was alive.

However, he never met with his lord must keep it because her mother is ill. Although never met the Messenger of Allah, love Uwais following the teachings of the noble Prophet who brought the holy Prophet is very high. Prophet Muhammad also repeatedly called Uwais as a Muslim is very great.

New Uwais get a chance to come to Madinah after the Apostles died. Uwais then joined the Messenger of loyal companions and make a major contribution in the enforcement of the Islamic religion. When war broke out between troops Siffin Imam Ali and Mu'awiyah, Uwais also defended Imam Ali. In this war Uwais pick martyrdom.


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